Based in the heart of West Devon, Lakeway Ecological Consultancy specialises in wildlife reports for planning. We work across all sectors with householders, architects, developers, landowners and more. As suitably qualified and experienced ecologists, we provide you with reliable, professional, cost-effective solutions. So please, get in touch today to discuss your project.

What we do

Lakeway Ecological Consultancy surveys all legally protected species, sites and habitats. As a result, we can carry out all the ecological surveys and provide the reports needed for your planning application. Our experienced team of surveyors hold relevant licences concerning all protected species normally found on development sites. This enables us to work with you on any project, providing peace of mind for all your ecological needs. Our principal ecologist has a specialist interest in mitigation schemes for clients on heritage buildings and unusual and complex sites.

How we can help

To see your project through from beginning to end, our highly skilled and qualified ecologists will help each step of the way. Firstly, by carrying out a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, to find out what is on your site. Following up with Protected Species Surveys and producing Ecological Impact Assessments and Biodiversity Net-Gain (BNG) Assessments to accompany your planning application. Once planning permission has been granted, we prepare and deliver mitigation strategies to help you realise your designs.

As a small consultancy, we are big enough to resource your project and provide reports quickly, but pride ourselves on providing a personal service. Above all, we will always take the time to talk through each step in the process with you.

Why choose us

Our Principal Ecologist is a highly experienced bat surveyor and is registered to use Natural England’s Bat Low Impact Class Licence. So, if bats are found, and your site qualifies we can register it quicker post-planning, reducing costs and delays to your project. The team has a wealth of experience writing and implementing Mitigation Licences for other species commonly found on sites.
All our team are full members of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), bound by a professional code of conduct. Our reports are concise, in accordance with industry (CIEEM) guidelines and follow BS 42020:2013. We draw upon experience from a team of trusted associates, when needed. Ultimately, this ensures we can deliver your project on time and to the highest standard.
Based in North Tawton, our team have good access to all parts of Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. We are ideally positioned to work with you on your project whatever your location. Our fees are competitive and as each site is different, we recommend that you contact us for a quote, tailored to your requirements.

Our Team

Chris Turner

Director – Principal Ecologist

Chris has been an ecological consultant for 12 years, and specialises in bats, their conservation and bat roost mitigation. He is a registered consultant on the Bat Earned Recognition Scheme, which works on the basis of assessing and accrediting a consultant’s competence in undertaking survey work and designing effective mitigation so that, by using an accredited consultant, developers can experience a more streamlined licensing process for their scheme or project.

Chris holds protected species survey licences for bats, dormice, great crested newts and barn owls. He has experience of managing projects across the spectrum, from householder applications to large housing developments including those needing EIA. He is adept at collaborating with multi-disciplinary teams.

Ruth Testa

Director – Senior Ecologist

Ruth has worked in the ecology and nature conservation sectors for 15 years. She has previously managed nature reserves, undertaken large scale habitat creation projects, and led landscape scale conservation projects working with private landowners. Her main interest lies in landscape scale conservation, with a particular focus on bats, having led the Devon Greater Horseshoe Bat Project. She holds a protected species survey licence for bats, and leads on Biodiversity Net Gain within the company.

Charlotte Gupwell


Charlotte joined Lakeway Ecological Consultancy in January 2024 and has five years of ecological consultancy experience. She has assisted with a variety of projects across the south-east of England before relocating to Devon in 2021.

Charlotte has a strong working background knowledge of countryside management practices and holds a species survey licence for great crested newts. She is working towards her bat survey licence.

Emma Scotney


Emma joined Lakeway Ecological Consultancy in June 2024 and has 6 years of ecology experience. She has previously worked in the nature conservation sector with special focus on protected sites and species. She has worked with land owners, partners, members of the public, volunteers and regulators on different regional projects.
Emma has interest and expertise in passerines, herptiles and engagement within the ecology sector.
She holds species survey licences for bats, great crested newt, dormouse and beaver.

Ryan Philpott

Assistant Ecologist

Ryan joined Lakeway Ecological Consultancy in December 2024 and has 3 years of professional experience in ecological consultancy. Ryan has worked for several ecological companies undertaking a wide range of protected species surveys.  

They are working towards a bat and dormouse survey licence.  


Lakeway Ecology work with a range of subcontractors to undertake specialist surveys where appropriate, with botanical and ornithological specialists available on a regular basis. We are also able to resource installation of reptile fencing, and to liaise with contractors regarding habitat creation.

Get in Touch

Contact Lakeway Ecological Consultancy today